Heart Attack Specialist

Cardiology in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV

Heart Attack services offered in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV

In the United States, a heart attack affects someone roughly once every 40 seconds. It benefits you to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack so the board-certified cardiologists can diagnose and treat you soon after the event at Advanced Heart Care Associates, which has a Henderson, Nevada office and two locations in Las Vegas, Nevada. To learn more about heart attacks and the care they require or how to prevent them, call Advanced Heart Care Associates or book an appointment online today. 

Heart Attack Q & A

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack is an event that happens if your heart’s blood supply gets blocked. As a result of the lack of blood supply, the heart muscle starts to die. If you don’t act quickly in the event of a heart attack, your heart can sustain permanent damage, and death is a possibility. 

There are several different conditions and circumstances that can compromise blood flow to the heart, but the problem usually originates in the arteries within the heart. In many cases, heart attacks happen because of atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of plaque along the walls of your arteries. Blood clots can also cause blockages. 

In rare cases, heart attacks can happen with no such blockage of blood flow, such as because of sudden tears in your heart’s arteries, artery spasms, electrolyte imbalances, or even long-term eating disorders. 

What are the symptoms of a heart attack?

Heart attack symptoms can vary from person to person, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the full range of possibilities. People having a heart attack often experience:

  • Chest pain (angina)
  • Feelings of indigestion
  • Radiating pain through the arm, jaw, or back
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Lightheadedness

There are many common heart attack symptoms, but not everyone has the same experience — ongoing research shows that women are less likely than men to experience the well-known heart attack symptoms of angina and feelings of indigestion. They’re also more likely to experience widespread pain during a heart attack, nausea, and fatigue. 

How are heart attacks prevented or treated?

In the event of a heart attack, you should seek medical care right away. In order to treat the underlying issue, Advanced Heart Care Associates works to restore blood flow to the heart. They can determine the best course of treatment after diagnosing your heart attack with heart imaging tests or a blood test that detects a chemical change after a heart attack. 

Treatment that restores sufficient blood flow to the heart after a heart attack may consist of several methods, such as:

  • Supplementary oxygen
  • Anti-clotting medications
  • Clot-dissolving medications
  • Pain medications
  • Antiarrhythmic medications
  • Percutaneous coronary intervention
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting

Your provider at Advanced Heart Care Associates can also advise you on how to prevent a future heart attack by managing any health conditions that increase your risk, being active, managing your stress, and quitting tobacco products. There are also interventional procedures available to lower your risk. 

To schedule an appointment, call Advanced Heart Care Associates or book one online today.